Mixed Media on Paper Workshop
Working in mixed media allows you to create rich layers or colors and textures, as well as to imitate or utilize aspects of printmaking. Learn the wonderful range of techniques and effects through a series of demonstrations using a wide variety of wet (water-based) and dry media on various supports. Working in-person allows students to experiment with new materials together and ask questions. Students are encouraged to bring materials they have already on hand to combine with lab-fee-provided supplies for the first day of class, and to wait to purchase additional materials after demonstrations. Tuition includes a $15 lab fee, which covers water media papers, acrylic inks, and graphite powder. Previous drawing/painting experience recommended.
Learning objectives:
- Learn the techniques and archival practices of working in mixed media
- Discover and experiment with new materials and combinations
- Share and discuss works in progress with classmates
Register by: October 28
Image: Kate Samworth, Pollinators
Continuing Education offers over 40 options this fall of hands-on studio art classes and workshops, outside of the degree programs, taught by stellar professional artists—many of them faculty or alumni of the School of Fine Arts. Join our community of dedicated, passionate artists and find the perfect fit for adults at any skill level.