La Toilette Rouge (sketch recto); (Figure sketch verso)

Sigmund Joseph Menkes

Before settling in America in 1936, Mankes had already studied art in Cracow, Berlin, and Paris. This drawing is a very complete study for the PAFA oil of the same title (1950.20.2). Mankes considers this early work to be considerably different from work done in later periods. It was executed during his six month stay in southern France in 1925, and reflected the bright pink-red wallpaper of his rented room. The female figure was imaginary as he was unattached at the time.
Date of Birth
ca. 1925
Graphite on buff paper
11 3/16 x 8 7/8 in. (28.41625 x 22.5425 cm.)
Accession #
Credit Line
Gift of the artist