Digital Image & Media Resources
Access over 1.5 million digital images and streaming video resources through the Arcadia Fine Arts Library.
Films On Demand: Art & Architecture Video Collection
Explore over 16,000 video clips and more than 1,800 full-length videos from Films On Demand. This vibrant selection of documentaries, interviews, biographies, and how-to videos spans the visual arts—from sculpture, painting, and photography to history, theory, criticism, and appreciation—with enough range to suit the needs of both basic and advanced courses. All titles are segmented into short, pedagogical clips, ideal for intermittent use during classroom lectures. For classwork viewing, students can choose to watch an entire film without interruption. Titles within the collection are sorted across 23 distinct, browsable subject categories (e.g., Modernism, Ancient & Medieval Architecture, Drawing & Painting, History of Photography), enabling refined searches for available titles in specific topic areas.
Artstor Digital Library
The ARTstor Digital Library is a nonprofit resource that provides over 1.5 million digital images in the arts, architecture, humanities, and sciences with an accessible suite of software tools for teaching and research. The community-built collections comprise contributions from outstanding international museums, photographers, libraries, scholars, photo archives, and artists and artists’ estates.
To use ARTstor, you must first register while on campus. Once you do that, you can use ARTstor from home for a 120-day period. Each time a user logs in to their account from the PAFA campus, the 120-day period is reset.
PAFA Video Library
The PAFA Video Collection includes many of the MFA Visiting Artist lectures, as well as other talks, performances, and interviews. They are strictly for educational purposes within the PAFA community and may not be reproduced. These are stored within ARTstor. Click on PAFA Video Collection.
Getty Open Content Program
The Getty Open Content Program contains over 100,000 images from the J. Paul Getty Museum and the Getty Research Institute. The database includes paintings, drawings, manuscripts, photographs, antiquities, sculpture, decorative arts, artists' sketchbooks, watercolors, rare prints from the 16th through the 18th century, and 19th-century architectural drawings of cultural landmarks. The archive also includes more than 72,000 items from the Research Institute's Foto Arte Minore archive, which features photographs of the art and architecture of Italy over 30 years by German photographer and scholar Max Hutzel.
Contact the Arcadia Fine Arts Library
Hours of Operation
Monday—Thursday: 8:15 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:15 AM - 4:15 PM
Saturday—Sunday: CLOSED
Telephone: (215) 972-2030