Family Arts Day

Free art workshops for families

Whatever shape your family takes, join us and other families to learn about, create, and celebrate art!

Family Arts Academy invites families to spend Sunday afternoons making art and exploring the Museum together. Bring the whole family to PAFA to enjoy free art workshops led by professional artists, learn new skills, and make an exciting art project.  

Monthly | Selected Sundays 1-3pm* | FREE (including museum admission)

  • All ages are welcome, though kids younger than 5 year's old may need help from their family members with the activity.
  • Registration is recommended to guarantee your spot. See the upcoming workshops and click the event to register!
  • Museum admission is included with the registration. 

* Families can come late and leave early; however, we usually do a demo in the first 20 minutes and a closing conversation/share our work in the last 10-15 minutes.

¡En cualquiera forma o structura de tu familia, acompañenos a crear y celebrar el arte!

La programa Academia de Arte de Familia te invitas a tu familia en los Domingos por la tarde para un evento de creaciòn y exploracion en el museo nuestro de arte! Traèis toda la familia a PAFA para un taller gratis de arte conducido por artistas profesionales.  Tu y tu familia aprenderà nuevas habilidades y tecnicos, y crear un gran projecto de arte!

¡La registraciòn es recomendado y gratis! ¡Regresas a esta pagina pronto!

En persona | Domingos selecionados 1-3 PM | GRATIS, incluido admision al museo

Contact Us

PAFA offers programs for artists and art lovers of all ages and skill levels who want to learn about and make art.