Art Herstory: The Painting Driven Life of PAFA Alum Barbara Sosson

Featured image: Barbara Sosson, GUINEA FOWL, 2023, oil on canvas with spot glitter & mirror marker, 48 x 36 inches. © Copyright, Barbara Sosson, Philadelphia, PA USA.

PAFA is deeply intertwined with the life stories of numerous artists, including Barbara Sosson, the president and treasurer of the Fellowship of PAFA (—an independent, nonprofit alumni-incorporated organization.

Barbara's presence is captivating, exuding passion and storytelling, an hour with her feels like a mere minute. She brims with stories, sharing her life experiences with a radiant smile and a sparkle in her eyes. It’s clear — PAFA holds a special place in her heart. Barbara warmly recalls her time at PAFA:

"My four certificate years at PAFA were four of the most formative years of my life that served as a base to my professional painting career."

A smiling woman standing in front of a painting.

Barbara Sosson / from

A native of Philadelphia, Barbara's passion for art blossomed early, leading her to enroll in art courses at PAFA during the summers of her last two years of high school.  This early exposure ignited her lifelong love for painting, leading to a four-year scholarship at PAFA. In 1966, during her third year at PAFA, Barbara received a prestigious Cresson Traveling Scholarship, affording her the opportunity to travel and study abroad. Her time at PAFA was enriched by studying alongside esteemed artists such as Liz Osbourne, David Lynch, James Havard, and Barkley Hendricks.

A black and white photograph of either people, all men except for Barbara Sosson.

1966, Barbara Sosson, the lone female, wearing pearls in place of a neck tie, with her PAFA Cresson Winning Fellowmen. Top row: Paul Kane, James Masticola, Bertin Esteves,Jr., Michael Williams; Bottom: Bob Barfield, Robert Moreck, Barbara Sosson, Barkley Hendricks. Courtesy of Barbara Sosson.

Post-PAFA, Barbara's career evolved as she embraced various roles in the arts and diversified her artistic portfolio, with her style evolving from its origins at PAFA. This educational journey not only broadened her artistic horizons but also laid the foundation for her career as a designer. Her design work complemented her passion for painting and provided support for her life as an artist.

Transitioning into freelance artistry after mastering paste-up in graphics, she further honed her skills by apprenticing as a fine art publication designer under Eugene Feldman of the Falcon Press in Philadelphia. Following Feldman's unfortunate passing, she founded Sosson Design at the age of 27 and took on PAFA as a client. Her commitment to PAFA remained steadfast, often working into the early hours of the morning for PAFA while juggling her full-time job.

Despite challenges, including financial constraints and industry shifts, Barbara's dedication to the arts never wavered. Her return to abstract works was inspired by her friend Rebecca Segall and a fascination with birds, particularly their plumage and their biological ability to blend into their environments, has driven her focus. She currently dedicates five days a week to painting and reserves her weekends for design work.

Through it all, PAFA remained a constant source of inspiration and support for Barbara. She acknowledges her classical training at PAFA for keeping her skills sharp and her artistic vision clear. The exposure to various techniques during her time at PAFA has significantly influenced her artistic style over the years. In 2019, she assumed the presidency of the Fellowship of PAFA, a testament to her lifelong dedication to the arts community and specifically to PAFA Alumni.

Barbara speaks with equal passion about the Fellowship as she does about PAFA, modestly highlighting her contributions to the Fellowship and her aspirations for its future. Barbara's journey exemplifies the profound influence of PAFA's arts program and speaks to the enduring connection between artists and institutions like PAFA, shaping careers and fostering creativity for generations to come.

Paintings by Barbara Sosson

Oil on canvas painting of 11 callas, 10 red and one purple.
Calla Composition, 2014, oil on canvas, 48 inches square. © Copyright, Barbara Sosson, Philadelphia, PA USA.
Oil on canvas painting.
SOMETHING TO HOLD ONTO | 2022, oil on canvas with rubber lizards, 48 x 48 inches. © Copyright, Barbara Sosson, Philadelphia, PA USA.
Oil on canvas painting depicting water lily pads.
Bronx Pond 5, 2020, oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches. © Copyright, Barbara Sosson, Philadelphia, PA USA.
Oil on canvas painting depicting water lily pads.
Bronx Pond 6, 2020, oil on canvas, 36 x 48 inches. © Copyright, Barbara Sosson, Philadelphia, PA USA.
Oil on canvas painting with spot glitter and mirror marker depicting two guinea fowl in a blue and yellow circle, with a purple rhombus shape in the background.
Barbara Sosson, GUINEA FOWL, 2023, oil on canvas with spot glitter & mirror marker, 48 x 36 inches. © Copyright, Barbara Sosson, Philadelphia, PA USA.

About PAFA

Founded in 1805, the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts is the United States’ first school and museum of fine arts. A recipient of the National Medal of Arts, PAFA offers a world-class collection of American art, innovative exhibitions of historic and contemporary American art, and educational opportunities in the fine arts. The PAFA Museum aims to tell America's diverse story through art, expanding who has been included in the canon of art history through its collections, exhibitions, and public programs, while classes educate artists and appreciators with a deep understanding of traditions and the ability to challenge conventions. PAFA’s esteemed alumni include Mary Cassatt, Njideka Akunyili Crosby, William Glackens, Barkley L. Hendricks, Violet Oakley, Louis Kahn, David Lynch, and Henry Ossawa Tanner.